SwimMark accreditation is Swim England’s quality standard for clubs. It recognises high standards of governance, sustainability and effectiveness.
Any affiliated Swim England club can apply for the accreditation, regardless of your club’s size or the disciplines you deliver.
What is SwimMark about?
- Creating the best possible swimming experience for all
- Raising the quality of aquatics provision across all areas
This is the primary module for clubs, helping you to achieve good governance, grow membership, develop volunteers and ensure your activity is sustainability and in line with your club objectives. It is accredited every two years.
Which clubs have SwimMark in the region?
Funding opportunities for SwimMark clubs
There are funding opportunities for clubs with SwimMark accreditation.
Using the SwimMark Vouchers:
Guide to setting up an IOS account
FAQ’s for setting up and using your club IOS account
Uploading of safeguarding certificates.
To ensure OMS is kept up to date going forward, safeguarding certificates need to be uploaded by the individual every time they attend a workshop.
Club Essential documents
You can access all documents needed to attain Essential status in the Swim England library here. These documents will help you understand what you need to do to become a SwimMark Essential club. A useful document for clubs is the Guide to the SwimMark portal
A guide to OMS and the Club Personnel Report is a useful document for SwimMark Coordinators