Upgraded process for uploading Licensed Meets results to Rankings

For licensed meets agreed from 3 October, Swim England are introducing a new automated process that will enable meet promoters to upload the results without having to email the results to our Rankings team.

Currently Meet Promoters will send Meet results to Swim England, in order for these results to be manually added to https://www.swimmingresults.org/showmeetsbyevent/ .

Swim England have created an automated process that speeds up this process and gives control to the Promoters to upload results via https://resultsuploader.swimming.org/ . If the uploaded results have no errors, they will automatically be uploaded to Rankings within 1-2 hours, reducing the time from potentially days to hours. Refer to the below diagram for the new process.

Please use the updated Licensed Meet application form for your next meet. We also have a step-by-step guide to assist when uploading your first set of results. Both documents will be accessible from 3 October on the Licensed Meets page.

Any meet that has already been licensed will continue to use the previous process by sending results to the Rankings team.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].