Masters Development Day went Swimmingly!

On 27th March Swim England East Region held a development day for our Masters swimmers at Oundle Sports Centre. Presentations included; How to Deal with Nerves and Mental Race Preparation (Emma Wood, Cognitive Hypnotherapist and trainee Sport Psychologist); Injury Prevention through Strength and Conditioning Exercises (Lawrence Palmer, Strength and Conditioning Coach and Masters 50m Breaststroke World Record Holder); and 50m Training/ Competing and Useful Drills (David Rayner, Swimming Coach and Technical Aquatics Manager, Swim England, and Matt Newton, Swimming Coach and Swimming Coach Educator).

To compliment the land based programme, the day then concluded in the 50m pool to put theory into practice. A huge thanks to all our fantastic presenters, the beautiful venue, and to the Masters Leadership Group for the ongoing help and support in developing the sport.

A Successful Disability Training Session

On Sunday 20th March, the Swim England East Region held a Disability Training Session at Great Dunmow Leisure Centre. A group of 13 Swimmers attended the day from around the region, we also had 6 coaches attend the day from all different clubs including Phoenix, Runneymede Swimming Club, Chelmsford City Swimming Club, Royston Swimming Club, Stevenage and Flitwick Dolphins Swimming Club to learn new skills.

The session was lead by Para-Swimming coach Louise King with the assistance of Carl Cooper Para-Swimmer talent coach.

The session started with some land-base work, working on strength and conditioning. Each swimming being able to develop adaptations to suit them and to receive feedback to take back with them to their clubs.

The Swimmers then went to the pool session where they had 1.5 hours in the pool focussing on technique and skills. The swimmers received feedback on ways to improved their technique and skills they also received feedback on how to control their pace and effort. The coaches that attended the session were also given feedback on these areas within the training session so that they can also that it back to their clubs.

The Training session was a valuable experience for the swimmers and coaches and we are already looking forward to the next one. The region would like to thank all those that participated in the Training session.